ICIS Members meet at the annual Congress and Delegates Assembly, hosted by an ICIS member. At each Congress, Members and guest speakers present on industry trends and developments, and technical issues on construction specifications, classification, standards, cost information, product information, sustainability, BIM, digital engineering etc. These presentations provide an overview of changes in construction information globally. Friendships are developed during the networking events that result in closer working relationships between Congresses.

2018 Annual Conference - Cologne, Germany

The 2018 ICIS Delegates Assembly and Congress will begin on Sunday 17 June with the all-important Networking Tour of architecture and historic features of Germany’s historic town of Cologne (Köln). This will be followed by three intensive days of presentations and discussions focusing on the connectivity of information across construction specifications, classifications, standards, cost information, product information, sustainability, BIM, digital engineering, asset management, and education.

For more information about Cologne, visit the City of Cologne's tourism website.


17th - 20th June, 2018


Hyatt Regency Cologne